
get the inside track on desk adjuster best practices

cati certified adjuster - desk examiner & desk estimator

desk examiner essentials

desk estimator essentials

Adjusters on the Eberl roster benefit from discount pricing in the Learning Center for eligible team members.

The desk is the nerve center of the claim.

Desk adjusters—examiners and estimators—carry a claim file for its entire life cycle, working with the policyholder, contractor, field adjuster, agent, attorney, PA and other parties to ensure superior customer satisfaction and that the insurance company pays what they owe (not a penny more or a penny less) on every single claim. 

An effective desk adjuster must have interpersonal savvy, the ability to read a policy, top flight estimating skills and the organizational prowess to keep a lot of plates spinning in the air.

If you are

  • a new adjuster looking to work claims from the desk
  • an adjuster looking to transition from the field to the desk
  • an experienced desk adjuster, examiner or file reviewer looking to increase your efficiency and get more work

Then you’re in the right place! CATI’s Desk Adjuster Essentials courses will help you leverage your skills and knowledge to manage a desk and bulging claim inventory from start to finish. 

 This program includes two courses—Desk Examiner Essentials and Desk Estimator Essentials—which can be taken individually or as a package, depending on your skills and interest. We highly recommend Desk Examiner Essentials for any property adjuster, inside or out, because of the fundamental claim processes it covers. And we recommend Desk Estimator Essentials for anyone interested in learning to write estimates remotely.

What You'll Learn

In just 2 to 5 days, you’ll learn the fundamental skills and best practices involved in handling claims from the desk:

Desk Examiner essentials

cause of loss investigation
homeowners policy analysis
Evaluating structural, personal property and loss of use claims
property estimate review best practices
understanding & setting accurate reserves
Drafting denial letters and communicating difficult decisions
exceeding customer service expectations
time and workflow management
handling subrogation opportunities

Desk estimator essentials

remote cause of loss investigation
using digital estimating tools
identifying materials & damage remotely
TIPS & TRICKS for remote dimensioning and sketch
efficient workflows for once-and-done estimates on the fly
working with low-tech & no-tech customers
exceeding customer service expectations
hands-on practice scenarios to build confidence & efficency


Eberl Claims Service’s desk program is always growing. When possible, claims managers from our desk and TPA programs are on hand throughout the week of the desk adjuster courses for you to meet and network, boosting your opportunity for deployment. 

2024 schedule



things to know about desk adjuster essentials

Desk Examiner Essentials is intended for emerging adjusters with little to no experience or experienced adjusters looking to transition to a desk examiner role.

Experienced desk adjusters and file reviewers will also benefit from opportunity to leverage their existing skills to greater success in their roles. 

Desk Estimator Essentials is intended for adjusters with solid Xactimate proficiency and field experience who wish to leverage their skills to write estimates from the desk. 

Those who plan to work only in an examiner type role will also benefit in their collaboration and file review skills.


Prior to enrolling, you must complete the following on-demand courses in the CATI Learning Center:

  • Keys to Understanding the HO Policy
  • Essentials of Construction & Materials Identification
  • Photos, Captions & Annotations


Prior to enrolling, you must complete the following on-demand course in the CATI Learning Center:

  • Essentials of Construction & Materials Identification

You must have prior scoping knowledge and solid Xactimate proficiency. You will be writing Xactimate estimates beginning on Day 1 of class. This course will hone your Xactimate skills in live claim simulations, but assumes you already have skills of at least a proficiency level.

As a prerequisite to this course, participants must have completed CATI’s Xactimate X1 Skills Lab course OR have achieved the Xactimate Level 2 certification. If you will not be taking the X1 Skills Lab, please email your Level 2 certificate to training@eberls.comto verify your proficiency.

This course requires significant computer use. If you struggle with basic computer skills, you will be unlikely to succeed in this course—or the job of an adjuster. We strongly urge you to take a basic computer skills course prior to enrolling.

CATI will provide all of the instructional material you need for this class. 

You should plan to have on hand:

  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencil & highlighter

The exam for the Desk Examiner Essentials certification assessment will be completed on your own after class and requires access to a computer and the internet.

The exam for the Desk Estimator Essnetials certification assessment will be completed in class on the final day.

No certificate will be issued for this class unless the practice exercises are completed and turned in.

This class will be held at the CATI Royal Campus:

2025 Royal Lane, Ste. 394
Dallas, TX 75229

Each course is eligible for 12 hours of General CE  for Texas adjuster licensees. 

Attendance for the entire class is required for CE eligibility.

Successful completion of the assessment is not required for CE hours.

leverage your claims knowledge toward a inside adjuster career